Local collective self-advocacy groups, run by and for adults with learning disabilities. Groups meet once a month. Please contact us for dates. kate.croft@peoplefirstscotland.org 01383 624885 andrea.ladyka@peoplefirstscotland.org Crossgates Thursday 10.30am – 12.00pm Crossgates Community Centre Dunfermline Wednesday 1.30pm – 3.00pm Dell…
Say hello to our new Training and Development Worker!
Please meet Annie Buchanan, the new Training and Development Worker for Fife Advocacy Forum. Annie is based within Dunfermline Advocacy Office and will be making contact with Advocacy Services in Fife over the next few weeks. Welcome to the team…
Refreshing Fife’s Advocacy Strategy – Public Drop-in Consultation Events across Fife!
Refreshing Fife’s Advocacy Strategy – Public Drop-in Consultation Events across Fife! Please pop along to any of these drop-ins and make sure your views, suggestions and ideas are heard!
Kindred Fundraising Coffee Morning – 30th November 2017
The Fife team of Kindred are having a fundraising Coffee morning./ Christmas sale on 30th November between 10am-12pm at the Flexspace Building in Dunfermline. Linda & Lindsay will also be available to give information on the work Kindred do in Fife,…
Advocacy in Fife Booklet 2016
The Advocacy in Fife Booklet has been updated and is now available to download: advocacy-in-fife-a5-booklet-aug-2016 To order a copy please email admin@fifeadvocacyforum.org.uk or call 01383 624382.
Fife Forum Spring / Summer 2016 Newsletter
Read Fife Forum’s Spring / Summer 2016 Newsletter: http://www.fifevoluntaryaction.org.uk/downloads/Newsletter-May2016.pdf
Circles Network Advocacy Open Day
Circles Network Advocacy are having an open day in their Dunfermline office on Friday 15 July 2016, providing information on Advocacy and an opportunity meet some of the staff. Everyone is welcome to come along. There will be refreshments available.…
People First Fife Community Groups 2016
Come along to one of People First‘s Community Groups in Fife: Collective self-advocacy run by and for adults with learning difficulties. Groups all meet once a month. Please contact us for dates by emailing peoplefirstfife@hotmail.co.uk or calling 01383 624885. Crossgates – Tuesdays 10.30am –…