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Step on Stress
New NHS Fife ‘Step on Stress’ courses running over February and March 2019. These stress management courses are free, held in a number of community-based locations, and are open to adults living in Fife. Anyone interested in attending can book onto a course online on our new…
Surviving Christmas and New Year
As the preparations for the festive period are getting into full swing, for many people who live in Fife, this time of year can be very difficult. Watching others buying gifts, decorating trees and deciding what to have for…

Say hello to our new Training and Development Worker!
Please meet Annie Buchanan, the new Training and Development Worker for Fife Advocacy Forum. Annie is based within Dunfermline Advocacy Office and will be making contact with Advocacy Services in Fife over the next few weeks. Welcome to the team…
Refreshing Fife’s Advocacy Strategy – Public Drop-in Consultation Events across Fife!
Refreshing Fife’s Advocacy Strategy – Public Drop-in Consultation Events across Fife! Please pop along to any of these drop-ins and make sure your views, suggestions and ideas are heard!
Kindred Fundraising Coffee Morning – 30th November 2017
The Fife team of Kindred are having a fundraising Coffee morning./ Christmas sale on 30th November between 10am-12pm at the Flexspace Building in Dunfermline. Linda & Lindsay will also be available to give information on the work Kindred do in Fife,…

New logo and keys to life event
At the Fife Advocacy Forum meeting on the 14th of January 2014, we were pleased to officially agree our new logo which you can see at the top of the website! We are delighted to be able to have…

Kindred in Fife
Kindred supports families of children and young people with additional needs. To find out more about the service in Fife please download the Kindred In Fife, How Can We Help? leaflet with general information about our Fife office . You can contact the Fife…

Barnardo’s Child and Family Support Service (Fife)
Barnardo’s Child and Family Support Service (Fife). Barnardo’s Children’s Rights Service, Fife, provides a Children’s Rights and Advocacy Service for children and young people (up to 18) who are looked after at home, in foster care, purchased residential placements, secure…

Advocacy on the road
The DA team will be hitting the road this week in a 1952 “Royal Tiger” Vintage Bus to spread the word about our rebranding. We’ve recently been given a makeover by Third Sector Lab and we will be touring West…